This was one of my entries to Logic Showcase #46 on Puzzlers Club, “It’s supposed to be touching Dynasty”. The prompt was to take a dynasty genre and replace the “shaded cells can’t be adjacent” rule with something else. I actually submitted four puzzles with different rulesets this time, and I’m putting the two better ones on the blog. They were tied for third place.
This seems like quite a promising take on Heyawake. I chose to replace the “no adjacent shaded cells” rule with “shade some snakes”. Each of those follows the usual snake rules (i.e. a 1-width path of shaded cells that doesn’t loop or branch). Otherwise, standard Heyawake rules apply.
And yes, it rhymes with “Heyawake”.
If you enjoy this one, also check out the other entry which adds another rule on top of this.
Rules: Shade some snakes so that no two snakes are orthogonally adjacent and the remaining unshaded cells form one orthogonally connected area. A snake is a 1-cell wide, unbranching path of at least two shaded cells. Numbered regions must contain the indicated amount of shaded cells. A straight line of consecutive unshaded cells may not cross more than one bold border.