#157: Icelom / Pentopia

This puzzle is based on a (maybe not entirely serious) suggestion by user glum_hippo on the Cracking the Cryptic server.

#156: Chocona

I made a puzzle for this month’s prompt on the Cracking the Cryptic Discord server. The Halloween-inspired prompt was “Shady Tricks”, so I made a perfectly normal Chocona.

#155: Indian Puzzle Championship 2024

I made some puzzles for the Indian Puzzle Championship again!

#154: Sudoco Banana

In an unexpected turns of events, I made a Sudoku in about an hour for a speed setting competition on the CtC server and even managed to get second place. Of course, I couldn’t help but make it a hybrid with my favourite genre.

#153: Fire Walk

The floor is lava.

#152: Triangular Snake

In the GAPP (Genuinely Approachable Pencil Puzzle) series on the CtC Discord server, we have a bit of a tradition called Strange-Shaped Sunday where we tend to post puzzles on non-square grids. For a recent Sunday puzzle, I stumbled upon the idea of trying out Snake on a triangular grid and it worked out so well that I decided to make a few more puzzles for this ruleset.

#151: Territory Park

A while ago, fellow puzzler dohz and I made a pair of puzzles, each exploring differing interpretations of a hybrid between Statue Park and Territory (that is, Naoki Inaba’s Territory, since many genres share that name). You can find dohz’s puzzle on Cohost, and mine can be seen below.

#150: Cave (LITSO)

This puzzle was constructed in collaboration with Wessel Strijkstra by passing the puzzle back and forth, adding one clue at a time.

#149: Grandstands

Grandstands was added to the Kudamono Editor today. I made a few puzzles to celebrate!

#148: Santa's "Not The Witness" Set

Ah yes, summer. Time to share another Secret Santa gift I made. This year, my santee was Zimodo and pretty much all I knew about them was that they’re active in the Witness community.