#109: Remembered Length

As I mentioned in the last post, I made another Remembered Length for the Indian Puzzle Championship that didn’t get used. This isn’t that puzzle, but it’s a more polished version of it.

The original puzzle wasn’t bad, but I wasn’t entirely happy with the aesthetics. Honestly, even the aesthetics weren’t bad, but a much cleaner version was this close to working that the compromises I had to make really bothered me. I’m not including a link here because I don’t want the puzz.link scraper to pick it up, but feel free to message me on Discord if you’d like to see it.

So I sat down and reworked the outside of the puzzle from scratch and ended up with this. It’s a toughie, but there’s a lot of neat logic along the solve path.

Rules: Draw an oriented, non-intersecting loop through the centres of all cells. When crossing a boundary, the number clue in the previous region (if any) indicates how many cells the loop visits before crossing another boundary.