#113: Chocolate Evolminana

This puzzle was inspired by a variant of my favourite recent genre. Choco Banana and Evolmino go together surprisingly well, and I think there’s probably a lot more you can do with it.

This is almost a pure hybrid, in the sense that the unshaded cells form a valid Evolmino solution, except you’re allowed to have unshaded regions that do not overlap an arrow. I’m pretty happy with the logic in this puzzle, but I do have one grudge with this construction which you may or may not notice after solving the puzzle.

Rules: Shade some cells so that all areas of orthogonally connected shaded cells are rectangular and all areas of orthogonally connected unshaded cells are not rectangular.

At most one square of each unshaded area is on part of an arrow. Each arrow must pass through at least two different unshaded areas. Each unshaded area on an arrow must be exactly the same shape as the one that came before it on the same arrow (if it exists), without rotation or reflection, plus one additional cell.