#121: Wittgenstein Cave

Another genre hybrid. Wittgenstein Briquet, also known as Desk Place, was recently added to puzz.link. I really like the genre, and it got me wondering about potential variants.

Using Cave clues instead the usual Akari/Shakashaka-style clues seemed like a promising idea, and indeed it led to some interesting interactions.

If you want a small extra challenge, completely ignore the top left 9-clue. It’s not needed for uniqueness, but the puzzle was just too close to symmetrical without it.

Rules: Locate some 1x3 blocks in the grid which may not overlap each other or the clues. All cells which aren’t used by blocks must form one orthogonally connected area. A clue represents the total number of unused cells that can be seen in a straight line vertically or horizontally, including itself.