#146: Sertetrominous

I stand by my silly genre name choices.

It’s been a while since I did anything with Serpentominous. The main thing that had bothered me since coming up with the ruleset was that you have to try quite hard to make the “consecutive pentominoes are different” rule matter, just because of how many pentominoes you can usually choose from. So I’ve wanted to try out the ruleset with tetrominoes for a while, where you’ve only got four choices (since an unbranching path cannot form a T tetromino). I think the change works pretty well.

Here are a few puzzles exploring this alternative ruleset, roughly in order of difficulty. They also include a revisit of an idea from the original Serpentominous set.


Rules: Draw a non-intersecting path through the centres of some cells. Circles mark the ends of the path, if given.The path is divided into sections of four cells, forming non-overlapping tetrominoes. Consecutive tetrominoes along the path must have different shapes, counting rotations and reflections as the same.The path must visit every clue and the clue indicates which tetromino it is part of.