#158: Nurimisaki (Dominoes)

I made the first puzzle in this set for a speed setting contest on the CtC server (and won!). After seeing how strong the ruleset is, I wanted to try and make a big and really empty puzzle which led to the third puzzle in the set. And finally I wanted to round out the set with a puzzle where clues were doing a bit more work in the centre of the grid.

This ruleset also appeared at the World Puzzle Championship last week, though this had completely slipped my mind when I was making these puzzles. Instead, the variant was inspired by a recent puzzle by jkdewar.

Nurimisaki (Dominoes)

Rules: Shade some dominoes so that no two dominoes touch orthogonally and the remaining unshaded cells form one orthogonally connected area. No 2x2 region may be entirely unshaded. Circles mark every instance of a cell which is unshaded and orthogonally adjacent to exactly one other unshaded cell.