#003: Castle Wall (Liar doppel)

This was my entry for Logic Showcase #33 on Puzzlers Club, “Evil Twin”. The prompt was to construct a puzzle which is both valid with vanilla rules as well as some Liar variant. I ended up winning the showcase, but I have to assume part of that was the small number of participants that month.

Rules: Draw a non-intersecting loop through the centres of some cells. The loop may not enter outlined cells or cells containing clues. White cells with outlines must lie inside the loop, while black cells with outlines must lie outside the loop. Grey cells may either be inside or outside the loop. A number represents the sum of the lengths of loop segments in the indicated direction.

Variant: Lying Arrows — Standard Castle Wall rules, except each arrow points in a wrong direction. I.e. the clue does not tell you anything about the direction it points at, but one of the other three directions must satisfy the number.