It’s been a while since I posted a Rail Pool variant! Prasanna came up with the idea of Rail Pools where the clues are merely “E” and “O”, which act like question marks, but only for even or odd numbers, respectively. I really loved the puzzles he managed to make with that, so I wanted to give this variant a go myself.
This came together really quickly, and I’m very happy with how the solve path turned out.
Rules: Draw a non-intersecting loop through the centres of all cells. Some boldly outlined regions contain number clues. If a straight loop segment visits any cells of a clued region, its length must match one of these numbers. Each number must correspond to at least one such loop segment. Question marks represent any positive integer, but numbers cannot repeat within a region.
Variant: Even/Odd - Each “E” represents an even integer, each “O” represents an odd integer. As with question marks, numbers cannot repeat within a region.